Sousaphonist, Producer, Composer, Educator & Entrepreneur hailing from Mobile, AL, taking on new feets high and low with his beautiful raw brass Eastman Sousaphone. Play in bands such as 5 MILE BRASS, a funky hip-hop brass band Brett started in 2019. Brett n' Butter, a country comedy band lead by Brett with vocals and tuba lead lines. Brett has also performed along side bands/ artist such as Trombone Shorty, Soul Rebels, Eddie Roberts, The Dirty Dozen Brass Band, and the late Charlie Daniels. Brett also loves creating and exploring anything to do with horns, especially tuba. He has composed published works under his own distribution ranging from solo tuba & piano, quartet, and even tuba w/ electronics. Brett also owns a music school in downtown Mobile called Mobtown Music, where him and his staff can teach any instrument you would like to learn online or in person. His education consist on 2 years at William Carey University & 3 years at University of Mobile, ending during the pandemic with an associates in music business and education. Brett will always strive to find what is next for the horn, as of now he hasn't found a boundary for what tuba can't do.
What They Play
- Key of BBb
- .689" bore
- 25" yellow brass bell
- Stainless steel pistons
- Clear lacquer finish
- Laskey Stadium Series mouthpiece and deluxe case w/wheels